Pieter Ruys
Roots and Branches (Vita)



Teaching and Supervising   

Professional Activities   

Social Activities   

Roots and Branches (Vita)   






2004, Ireen with sons and daughter and some grandchildren on her birthday.


1999, PhD-thesis Mark: Studies in mechanical verification of mathematical proofs. M.P.J. Ruys
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1971, 1965-06-05, Married with Ireen E. Broekhoven. Children: Mark P.J. (1966), Jurriaan H. (1967) and Heleen C. (1971).

1970, 1938-04-04, Born at Zeist, het Rond 4, the Netherlands. Parents: Piet F.M. Ruys and Ria M.Th. Ruys-Dunselman.

Family Business

2003, Chairman, Board of Directors, Figi Groep b.v., from 2002: see figi zeist.

2002, Directeur, Figi Houdster Maatschappij b.v. from 1995. Van 1989-90: directeur, Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij Figi Zeist b.v.

1999, Voorzitter, Raad van Commissarissen, Ruys Interieurs b.v., vanaf 1979.

Education Background

2000, 1950-1956, Gymnasium, Constantijn College, Amersfoort.

2000, 1956-1964. Student in econometrics at the Katholieke Hogeschool Tilburg.

2000, 1965/66, Graduate student, Department of Economics, University of Rochester, NY. Class of Lionel McKenzie.